Learning and development

Training program

Our internal academy “WeLearn” offers all employees a variety of trainings in the categories:

  • GMP / QVA
  • Technology
  • Applications / Digital Tools
  • Consulting & Sales
  • Project & Engineering
  • Management
  • Leadership
  • Communication

Knowledge building and knowledge transfer are very important to us. Due to the lack of trainings on the market that provide the required in-depth expertise, we are proud that our in-house experts with many years of highly specialized experience share their knowledge as trainers.

For most methodological and leadership training, we work with strong external partners. We focus on emotional experiences outside the comfort zone in learning to promote sustainable development. For leadership training in particular, we use unusual co-trainers such as Icelandic horses or seminar actors.

Learning journeys

In the areas of leadership and project management, we offer individual trainings as well as entire learning journeys consisting of training, e-learning, coaching, individual and group tasks and mentoring.​ In particular, the development of a leadership personality is a process that consists of the optimal combination of learning, perceiving, reflecting, practicing and “sticking with it”. Holistic, individual and carefully coordinated development modules are stations on the path to personal excellence. ​

Development opportunities

Our goal is to identify the talents of our employees and to develop their strengths. It is important to us that our employees feel comfortable and develop their full potential in the position that corresponds to their strengths.​ Within the scope of an annual talent process, we specifically evaluate the performance, behavior, competences and potential of all employees and jointly consider which next development steps are possible and reasonable in the future. ​ Measures are agreed and implemented in a targeted development plan. We place great value to regular dialogue with our employees to ensure continuous development. It is the growth of our employees that also allows us to grow as an organization. For us, growth means striking a balance between promoting internal succession and attracting external talent. ​